
Original research at ASDRP is disseminated in the form of peer-reviewed publications in various journals.
All publications have one or multiple high school co-authors. Check out the list below for a glimpse of the publication track at ASDRP.
Publications | 2023
Chen, Rosie; Singh, Pratyush; Su, Sarah; Kocalar, Selin; Wang, Xina; Mandava, Neha; Venkatesan, Srishti; Ferguson, Adrienne; Rao, Aishi; Le, Emma; Rojas, Casey; Njoo, Edward. “Benchtop 19F Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy Provides Mechanistic Insight into the Biginelli Condensation towards the Chemical Synthesis of Novel Trifluorinated Dihydro- and Tetrahydropyrimidinones as Antiproliferative Agents.” ACS Omega 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.3c00290 [Full Article Link] [Article PDF]
Cui, Max; Chau, Adelina; Pan, Michelle; Vaiyakarnam, Vaibhav; McMahan, Larry. "Molecular Geometry Generation Processes Through Hybrid Quantum-Classical Generative Adversarial Networks and Python-Based Self-Consistent Field Molecular Calculations" IEEE Xplore, online. [Full Article Link]
Raman, Sankrith; Tailor, Isha; Kallahalla, Smriti; Cheung, Stephanie; Poon, Chloe; Parashar, Vivek, Brah, Harman. "Structure-activity relationship of berberine and G4 DNA reveals aromaticity’s effect on binding affinity." Journal of Emerging Investigators 2023, online. [Full Article Link] [Article PDF]
Wang, Xina; Vu, Julia; Luk, Charissa; Njoo, Edward; "Benchtop 19F nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy enabled kinetic studies and optimization of the synthesis of carmofur." Canadian J. Chem 2023, online. DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2022-9213j [Full Article Link] [Preprint Link]
Ting, Patrick; Sahu, Aayaan; Wajge, Nishad; Rao, Vineet; Poosarla, Hiresh; Mui, Phil. "Using Model Classification to detect Bias in Hospital Triaging." Annals of Biomedical Science and Engineering 2023. [Full Article Link]
Chhatare, Falak; Deshpande, Sudhanva; Malik, Sidhant; Yan, Grace; Subramaniam, Suresh. "Brain Tumor Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network." J. Student. Research 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.47611/jsrhs.v12i2.4213 [Full Article Link] [Article PDF]
Rustagi, Aaryan; Padisetti, Vajraang; Subramaniam, Suresh. "Fake Review Detection Using Machine Learning." Journal of Student Research, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.47611/jsrhs.v11i1.3281 [Article Link]
Sikdar, Diptanshu; Cui, Max; Chau, Adelina; Bhamra, Arjun; Prasanna, Satvik; McMahan, Larry. "Hybrid Quantum-Classical Generative Adversarial Network for synthesizing chemically feasible molecules" J. Emerging Investigators 2023, online. [Full Article Link] [Article PDF]
Mandava, Neha; Avadhani, Udbhav; Le, Stacey; Goyal, Emily; Njoo, Edward. "Quantitative NMR spectroscopy reveals solvent effects in the photochemical degradation of thymoquinone" J. Emerging Investigators 2023, online. DOI: https://doi.org/10.59720/22-116 [Full Article Link] [Article PDF]
Thomas, Nathaniel; Bhatnagar, Sweekrit; Agarwal, Avirral; Iyer, Anya; Sankar, Niranjana; Bhargava, Manav; Ye, Spencer; Li, Edwin; Nandi, Ritam; Njoo, Edward; Downing, Robert. "Key Molecular Descriptors Distinguishing Between Synthetic and Natural Products." ChemRXiv 2023, online. DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-t2lwf [Preprint Link]
Gangal, Krish; Gerz, Ipek; Goyal, Tanvi; Iyer, Ajeeth; Vaiyakarnam, Vaibhav; McMahan, Larry. "Modeling Hartree-Fock approximations of the Schrödinger Equation for multielectron atoms from Helium to Xenon using STO-nG basis sets." J. Emerging Investigators 2023, online. DOI: https://doi.org/10.59720/22-211 [Full Article Link] [Article PDF]
Bhatnagar, Sweekrit; Cao, Yue; Hasteer, Diya; Li, Joshua; McMahan, Larry. "Relating socioeconomic position (SEP) and vaccination with Covid-19 rates in select populations." J. Emerging Investigators 2023, online. DOI: https://doi.org/10.59720/22-144 [Full Article Link] [Article PDF]
Baranwal, Tanish; Huang, Howard; Avadhani, Udbhav; Goyal, Anya; Samavedam, Akhil; Hu, Timothy; Kale, Mihir; Nepani, Tvisha; Njoo, Edward; Downing, Robert. "Quantitative definition of chemical synthetic pathway complexity of organic compounds." J. Emerging Investigators 2023, online. DOI: https://doi.org/10.59720/22-009 [Full Article Link] [Article PDF]
Lu, Breanna; Xu, Lexi; Chen, Harriet; Yu, Grace; Khow, Kimberly; Yang, Stella; Dinker, Arushi; Njoo, Edward. "C-4 analogs of podophyllotoxin as tubulin inhibitors: Synthesis, biological evaluation, and structure-activity relationship." ChemRXiv, 2023. DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-d5lcg [Preprint Link]
Liu, Bridget; Zhong, Alan; Ferguson, Adrienne; Shah, Aashi; Hsu, Nathan; Agarwal, Yash; Yu, Erika; Njoo, Edward. "Mass spectrometry enabled quantification of dopamine and metabolites." Manuscript in review.
Raghavan, Shloka; Nambiar, Niharika; Thomas, Nathaniel; Brierly-Green, Elena; Nepani, Tvisha; Babu, Suhani; Njoo, Edward. "In vivo and in silico structure activity relationship of nematocidal activity of spiroketal-functionalized avermectin-related macrolides." J. Emerging Investigators 2023, ASAP.
Li, Shelley; Pandrangi, Kavya; Njoo, Edward. "High-Throughput Virtual Screening and Homology Modeling Enables the Identification of Hit Analogs of Efavirenz." J. Emerging Investigators 2023, ASAP. Manuscript accepted.
Su, Sarah; Le, Emma; Singh, Pratyush; Sri Indran, Karthikha; Pal, Sohie; Regan, Anika; Jain, Meher; Shah, Aashi; Njoo, Edward. "Singlet oxygen production analysis of reduced berberine analogs via NMR spectroscopy" J. Emerging Investigators 2023, online. [Full Article Link] [Article PDF]
Publications | 2022
Yu, Erika; Raghavan, Shloka; Anand, Shreya; Xu, Harrison, Nepani, Tvisha; Nambiar, Niharika; Vu, Julia; Zhang, Alivia; Babu, Suhani; Brierley-Green, Elena; Peer, Anushka; Finkelstein, Alice; Ferguson, Adrienne; Avadhani, Udbhav, Nittala, Sanhita; Njoo, E.S. "Modular mimics of neuroactive alkaloids: design, synthesis, and cholinesterase activity of novel rivastigmine analogs", J. Emerging Invesitgators, 2022, online. [Full article link] [Article PDF]
Kocalar, Selin; Njoo, E.S. "Taft linear free-energy relationships in the biocatalytic hydrolysis of sterically hindered nitrophenyl ester substrates" J. Emerging Investigators, 2022, online. [Full Article Link] [Article PDF]
Chen, Rosie; Singh, Pratyush; Su, Sarah; Kocalar, Selin; Wang, Xina; Mandava, Neha; Venkatesan, Srishti; Ferguson, Adrienne; Rao, Aishi; Le, Emma; Rojas, Casey; Njoo, Edward. “Benchtop 19F Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy Provides Mechanistic Insight into the Biginelli Condensation towards the Chemical Synthesis of Novel Trifluorinated Dihydro- and Tetrahydropyrimidinones as Antiproliferative Agents.” ChemRxiv 2022. DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2022-1371g-v2 [Full Article Link]
Huang, Elijah; Mui, Phil. "Modeling Misinformation With Q-Learning, Nim, and Multi-Agents," MIT Undergraduate Research Technology Conference (URTC) 2022, accepted.
Wang, Xina; Vu, Julia; Luk, Charissa; Njoo, Edward; "Benchtop 19F nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy enabled kinetic studies and optimization of the synthesis of carmofur." ChemRXiv 2022. DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2022-9213j [Preprint Link]
Luk, Charissa; Wu, Jeslyn; Njoo, Edward; "Homology modeling of clinically-relevant rilpivirine-resistant HIV-RT variants identifies novel rilpivirine analogs with retained binding affinity against NNRTI-resistant HIV mutations." J. Emerging Investigators 2022, online. [Full Article Link] [Article PDF]
Adhikesaven, Sanjay; Kapoor, Aradhya; Khowaja, Ali; Li, Vivian; Sabhanayakam, Karthik; McMahan, Larry. "Predicting the Instance of Breast Cancer within Patients using a Convolutional Neural Network." J. Emerging Investigators 2022, online. [Full Article Link] [Article PDF]
Kocalar, Selin; Zhou, Alice; Salahifar, Aylin; Njoo, Edward. "Spectrophotometric comparison of 4-Nitrophenyl carbonates & carbamates as base-labile protecting groups." J. Emerging Investigators 2022, online. [Full Article Link] [Article PDF]
Zhou, Alice; Chang, Warren; Wang, Tiffany; Wu, Jeslyn; Kocalar, Selin; Swaminathan, Lakshman; Rao, Aishi; Athreya, Samyukta; Chanda, Priya; Njoo, Edward. "Reactivity-informed design, synthesis, and Michael addition kinetics of C-ring andrographolide analogs." J. Emerging Investigators 2022, online. [Full Article Link] [Article PDF]
Udgaonkar, Aditya; Wu, Jeslyn; Rao, Aishi; Njoo, Edward. "Deuterated solvent effects in the kinetics and thermodynamics of keto-enol tautomerization of ETFAA." J. Emerging Investigators 2022, online. [Full Article Link] [Article PDF]
Tran, Kara; Shah, Aashi; Saha, Rittika; Song, Claire; Liang, Emily; Njoo, Edward. "Mechanistic deconvolution of autoreduction in tetrazolium-based cell viability assays." J. Emerging Investigators, manuscript accepted, 2022.
Shu, Emily; Lloyd, Madeleine; Marimuthu, Anushree; Kulkarni, Anika; Chen, Rosie; Venkatesan, Srishti; Athreya, Samyukta; Kulkarni, Riya; Wang, Jonathan; Sreedhar, Aditya; Bianco, Nadia; Hyunh, Kaitlyn; Han, Eric; Gore, Adrian; Chen, Raymond; Yamamoto, Akira; Njoo, Edward. "High-performance liquid chromatography insight in pH-dependent hydrolysis of andrographolide acetonide" J. Emerging Investigators, manuscript accepted. 2022.
Su, Sarah; Le, Emma; Sri Indran, Karthikha; Pal, Sohie; Regan, Anika; Jain, Meher; Shah, Aashi; Njoo, E.S. "Singlet oxygen production of reduced berberine analogs via a 4+2 cycloaddition monitored by benchtop nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy." J. Emerging Investigators, manuscript accepted, 2022
Zhou, Alice; Li, Emily; Long, Vivian; Dai, Emily; Long, Lawrence; Njoo, Edward. "Strain selective in-vivo and in silico structure-activity relationship (SAR) of tetracycline antibiotics." J. Emerging Investigators, manuscript accepted, 2022.
Li, Shelley; Pandrangi, Kavya; Njoo, Edward; "High-Throughput Virtual Screening and Homology Modeling
Enables the Identification of Hit Analogs of Efavirenz." J. Emerging Investigators, manuscript accepted, 2022.
Baranwal, Tanish; Huang, Howard; Avadhani, Udbhav, Goyal, Anya; Samavedam, Akhil; Kale, Mihir; Nepani, Tvisha; Hu, Timothy; Srikanth, Vishak; Downing, R.A. ; Njoo, E.S. "Quantitative Definition of Chemical Complexity Through Gaussian Mixture Models and Autoencoder Approaches." J. Emerging Investigators, manuscript accepted 2022.
Raghavan, Shloka; Nambiar, Niharika; Thomas, Nathaniel; Brierley-Green, Elena; Nepani, Tvisha; Babu, Suhani; Njoo, Edward. "In vivo and in silico structure activity relationship of nematocidal activity of spiroketal-functionalized avermectin-related macrolides. manuscript submitted, 2022.
Suresh, Rohit; Sriram, Srinitya; Garg, Vivek; Kamdar, Yash; Kuchibhotla, Sahana; Renganathan, Gayathri. "In silico modeling of emodin’s interactions with serine/threonine kinases and chitosan derivatives" J. Emerging Investigators 2022, online. [Article Link]
Publications | 2021
Lutz, Michael; Gadaginmath, Sanjana; Vairavan, Natraj; Mui, Phil. "Examining Political Bias within YouTube Search and Recommendation Algorithms." IEEE XPlore, Symposium Series in Computational Intelligence, 2021. [Full Article Link]
Luk, Charissa; Nepani, Tvisha; Bhattacharjee, Shamita; Raman, Thoya; Avadhani, Udbhav; Su, Sarah; Raghavan, Shloka; Mandava, Neha; Chanda, Priya; Rao, Aishi; Wang, Xina; Shah, Aashi; Wu, Jeslyn; Njoo, E.S. "In silico screen of a library of carmofur analogs as potential inhibitors of the SARS-CoV-2 main protease and its variants through homology modeling." manuscript in review, 2021.
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Kocalar, Selin; Njoo, E.S. "Taft linear free-energy relationships in the biocatalytic hydrolysis of sterically-hindered nitrophenyl ester substrates." manuscript submitted 2021, [Preprint PDF]
Wu, Jeslyn; Udgaonkar, Aditya; Rao, Aishi; Njoo, E.S.* "Deuterated solvent effects in the kinetics and thermodynamics of keto-enol tautomerization of ethyl 4,4,4-trifluoroacetoacetate." manuscript submitted, 2021.
Lutz, Michael; Gadaginmath, Sanjana; Vairavan, Natraj; Srivatsan, Sriram, Mui, Phil*. "Reflection of Political Bias within YouTube Search and Recommendation Algorithms." Young Scientists Journal 2021, online. [Full Article Link]
Luk, Charissa; Wu, Jeslyn; Njoo, E.S. "Homology modeling of clinically-relevant rilpivirine-resistant HIV-RT variants identifies novel rilpivirine analogs with retained binding affinity against NNRTI-resistant HIV mutations", Journal of Emerging Investigators 2021, ASAP. [Preprint PDF]
Kumar, Maithili; Lin, Justin; Loh, Angelina; Palle, Adithya; Mui, Phil.* "Demographic Bias in Unemployment Across the U.S. during the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic." Young Scientists Journal 2021, [Full Article Link]
Cheng, Ashley; Medikonduru, Isha; Mouli, Leela; Ramakrishnan, Akshaya; Mikhail, Nardeen*. "Isolation and Inhibition of Psychotropic Fungi in Dairy Products. Journal of Research High School 2021, [Full Article Link] [Article PDF]
Ashok, Bhavesh; Hedvig, Danielle; Sundar, Shreya; Yadavalli, Arunaabha; Brah, Harman*; Clark, Scott.* "De novo design and computational structure activity relationship (SAR) of fat mass and obesity-associated (FTO) protein inhibitors to combat obesity." manuscript submitted, 2021.
Nandyala, Haasini; Pham, Ariel; Wagle, Anushka; Daggolu, Hansika; Guha, Amrita; Sankar, Reya; Chan, Chloe; Venkatesh, Dipti; Renganathan, Gayathri.* "Identification of Novel Protein Targets for Fenugreek to Treat Diabetes: A Molecular Docking Study." manuscript submitted, 2021.
Ashok, Bhavesh; Baranwal, Tanish; Avadhani, Udbhav; Biddala, Geethika; Nepani, Tvisha; Srikanth, Vishak; Zaceria, Luqman; Williams, Natalia; Downing, R.A.*; Njoo, E.S.* "Development of a novel machine learning platform to identify structural trends among NNRTI HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitors." manuscript submitted, 2021. [Preprint PDF]
Shah, Aashi; Raghavan, Shloka; Bhattacharjee, Shamita; Rajasekhar, Anushka; Beldona, Varsha; Verma, Pranjal; Yuvaraj, Aishwarya; Rajkumar, Harsha; Njoo, E.S. "In silico comparative screening of anti-amyloidogenic properties of a targeted library of natural product polyphenols towards identification of potential leads in therapeutics for amyloid-linked neurodegenerative diseases" manuscript in review 2021, [Preprint PDF]
Kocalar, Selin; Zhou, Catherine; Tan, Jadon; Liu, Alex; Chen, Elliot; Salahifar, Aylin; Verma, Pranjal; Pemmaraju, Saanvi; Njoo, E.S. "Hammett linear free-energy relationships in the biocatalytic hydrolysis of para-substituted nitrophenyl benzoate esters." Journal of Emerging Investigators 2021, ASAP. [Preprint PDF]
Haque, Ayaan; Kukal, Aryaman; Rao, Yamuna; Cho, David; Rao, Keshav*. "A Computational Analysis on Nicotine Withdrawal and Cardiac Arrhythmia and Their Effects on COVID-19." Journal of Student Research 2021 10(1), https://doi.org/10.47611/jsrhs.v10i1.1302 [Link] [Full Article]
Raghavan, Shloka; Anand, Shreya; Vittaladevuni, Ananya; Zhang, Alivia; Mandava, Neha; Biddala, Geethika; Gupta, Navya; Iglesias, David; Njoo, E.S. "Synthetic and Natural Phytohormones: A Review and Analysis of their Development, Functions, and Impacts." Journal of Research High School, manuscript accepted, 2021.
Suresh, Rohit; Sriram, Srinitya; Garg, Vivek; Kamdar, Yash; Kuchibhotla, Sahana; Renganathan, Gayathri*. "In silico screening of emodin's interactions with serine/threonine kinases and chitosan derivatives." manuscript submitted 2021, [Preprint PDF]
Wu, Jeslyn; Luk, Charissa; Zhou, Catherine; Shah, Aashi; Yuvaraj, Aishwarya; Njoo, E.S. "Design and in silico screening of analogs of rilpivirine as novel non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) for antiretroviral therapy." Journal of Emerging Investigators, manuscript accepted, 2021. [Link] [Full Text PDF]
Su, Sarah; Sri Indran, Karthikha; Pal, Sohie; Le, Emma; Regan, Anika; Jain, Meher; Shah, Aashi; Iglesias, David; Wang, Andrew; Njoo, E.S. "Comparative singlet oxygen photosensitizer efficiency of berberine, rose bengal, and methylene blue by time course nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) monitoring of a photochemical 4+2 cycloaddition endoperoxide formation." Jounal of Emerging Investigators 2021 online, [Link] [Full Text PDF]
Khow, Kimberly; Nair, Ria; Chari, Sadhana; Xie, Katherine; Kale, Isha; Mikhail, Nardeen*. "Detection and control of spoilage fungi in refrigerated vegetables and fruits." Journal of Emerging Investigators 2021, online. [Link] [Full Text PDF]
Suresh, Rohit; Garg, Vivek; Kamdar, Yash; Kalathoti, Angelina; Renganathan, Gayathri. "Evaluation of Improved and Current Vanillin Based Colorimetric Quantification Methods of Triterpenoids," Journal of Student Research 2021, manuscript accepted. [Preprint PDF]
Publications | 2020
Sun, Stephanie; Hamid, Saira; Su, Sarah; Su, Andrew; Ashok, Bhavesh; Simrun; Njoo, Edward "Strain-specific and photochemically-activated antimicrobial activity of berberine and two berberine analogs." Journal of Emerging Investigators 2020, [Article PDF] [Full Article Link]
Sun, Stephanie; Su, Andrew; Sakhrani, Simrun; Ashok, Bhavesh; Su, Sarah; Rajamanickam, Sarada; Njoo, E.S. "Comparative screening of dose-dependent and strain-specific antimicrobial efficacy of berberine against a representative library of broad spectrum antibiotics." Journal of Emerging Investigators 2020, ASAP. [Preprint PDF]
Surapaneni, Anvi; Surapaneni, Atri; Wu, Jeslyn; Bajaj, Ayush; Reyes, Katrina Mae; Adwankar, Rohan; Vittaladevuni, Ananya; Njoo, E.S. "Kinetic monitoring and Fourier-Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy of the green oxidation of (-)-menthol to (-)-menthone." Journal of Emerging Investigators 2020, ASAP. [Link] [Full Article]
Surapaneni, Anvi; Surapaneni, Atri; Adwankar, Rohan; Wu, Jeslyn; Reyes, Katrina Mae; Vittaladevuni, Ananya; Njoo, E.S. "A Review of Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors’ Structure and Activity with HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase." Young Scientists Journal 2020, [Full Article Link]
Rajasekhar, Anushka; Khandepekar, Simone; Raghavan, Shloka; Suresh, S. "DNA Analysis of the Sucrose Synthase Enzyme in Genetically Modified and Heirloom Pisum sativum." Young Scientists Journal 2020, [Full Article Link]
Sun, Stephanie; Anand, Kavya; Ashok, Ishani; Ashok, Bhavesh; Bajaj, Ayush; Beldona, Varsha; Chattopadhyay, Kushal; Kwan, Audrey; Mageswaran, Karankumar; Surapaneni, Anvi; Surapaneni, Atri; Verma, Pranjal; Chen, Allen; Kolala, Ria; Liang, Andrew; Poosarla, Ayeeshi; Premnath, Krithikaa; Sri Indran, Karthikha; Wu, Jeslyn; Yuvaraj, Aishwarya; Raj, Harsha; Sathish, Tanish; Shah, Aashi; Su, Sarah; Tran, Kara; Njoo, E.S. "Reactivity-guided de novo molecular design and high throughput virtual screening of a targeted library of peptidomimetic compounds reveals charge-based structure-activity
relationship of potential covalent inhibitors of the main protease of SARS-CoV-2." Journal of Student Research 2020, 9(2), 1082. https://doi.org/10.47611/jsrhs.v9i2.1082 [Full Article Link] [Article PDF]
Shrivastava, Anoushka; Downing, R.A. "A Quantitative Study of the Voynich Manuscript through the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test." manuscript in review, [Preprint PDF]
Chang, Warren; Rajaram, Vigasini; Yallapali, Harshith; Dong, Arielle; Huang, Kimberly; Valiveru, Anirudh; Njoo, E.S. "Rational design, combinatorial synthesis, and antimicrobial activity of novel biaryl imines and amines as potential competitive inhibitors of dihydropteroate synthase." manuscript submitted. [Preprint PDF]
Sun, Stephanie; Ashok, Bhavesh; Su, Andrew; Hamid, Saira; Sri Indran, Karthikha; Shah, Aashi; Su, Sarah; Sakhrani, Simrun; Njoo, E.S. "Computational structure-activity relationship (SAR) of berberine analogs reveals both position- and target-dependence in double stranded and G-quadruplex DNA binding." Journal of Emerging Investigators 2020, manuscript accepted, [Article PDF]
Shrivastava, Anoushka; Kainth, Krrish; Yin, Bowen; Joshi, Mihir; Mehta, Sahil; Patel, Shervil; Shah, Rishabh; Sekar, Mythri; Downing, R.A. "An Application of Data Mining And Frequency Analyses to Determine Source Languages of the Voynich Manuscript" 2019, Academia.edu preprint [Full Article Link]
Shern, Tyler; Rai, Ansh; Premanth, Krithikaa; Kolala, Ria; Ashok, Ishani; Kwan, Audrey; Njoo, E.S. "High-throughput virtual screening of novel dihydropyrimidine monastrol analogs reveals robust structure-activity relationship to kinesin Eg5 binding thermodynamics." Journal of Emerging Investigators 2020, manuscript accepted, [Preprint PDF]
Premnath, Krithikaa; Kolala, Ria; Shern, Tyler; Rai, Ansh; Ashok, Ishani; Kwan, Audrey; Njoo, E.S. "Monastrol and Dihydropyrimidines: The Future of Small Molecule Kinesin Eg5 Inhibitors," Journal of Youths in Science 2021, [Full Article Link] [Full Text PDF]
Chen, Allen; Poosarla, Ayeeshi; Liang, Andrew; Njoo, E.S. "Tracking Enzymatic Hydrolysis of an Amide Bond Using Highly Simplified 4-nitroanilide Colorimetric Substrates." National High School Journal of Science 2020 ASAP, [Preprint PDF]
Vitalladevuni, Ananya; Mukkamala, Ishya; Das, Saahil; Suresh, S. "In silico development of a novel DNA-directed interfering RNA fragment to treat SARS-CoV-2." in progress, [Preprint PDF]
Biddala, Geethika Reddy; Mandava, Neha; Makhija, Aarya; Liu, Edison; Suresh, S. "Effect of differential growth conditions and environmental stress factors in reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and polyphenol biosynthesis in Salvia Rosmarinus." [Preprint PDF]
Chen, Allen; Poosarla, Ayeeshi; Mageswaran, Karan; Rajasekhar, Anushka; Fu, Brian; Liang, Andrew; Tran, Kara; Njoo, E.S. "Spectroscopic Kinetic Monitoring and Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Biocatalytic Ester Hydrolysis in Non-Aqueous Solvent." Journal of Emerging Investigators 2020, ASAP [Article PDF]
Ashok, Bhavesh; Bajaj, Ayush; Adwankar, Rohan; Surapaneni, Atri; Surapaneni, Anvi; Chen, Allen; Sun, Stephanie; Chattopadhyay, Kushal; Wu, Jeslyn; Liang, Andrew; Poosarla, Ayeeshi; Mageswaran, Karankumar; Rao, Isha; Kharshingher, Sania; Booma, Sushruth; Njoo, E.S.; Downing, R.A. "Pharmacophore-based screening and identification of molecular level descriptors applied to non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs)" manuscript in review, [Preprint PDF]
Kwan, Audrey; Yuvaraj, Aishwarya; Raghavan, Shloka; Shern, Tyler; Rai, Ansh; Premnath, Krithikaa; Kolala, Ria; Ashok, Ishani; Njoo, E.S. "Computational sequence analysis and binding pocket homology modeling of kinesin-like proteins in model organisms provides insight into structural basis of the differential binding of the allosteric inhibitor monastrol." National High School Journal of Science 2020, online, [Full Article Link]
Chen, Allen; Fu, Brian; Liang, Andrew; Mageswaran, Karankumar; Poosarla, Ayeeshi; Njoo, E.S. "β-Lactam Antibiotics: The Past, Present, and Future." manuscript in review, [Preprint PDF]
Garg, Ananya; Jana, Pranava; Rai, Soumya; Wu, Jeslyn; Dantara, Hiral. "Analysis of Packaged Milk Quality Using Coliforms as Indicators" National High School Journal of Science 2020, [Full Article Link]
Sun, Stephanie; Su, Andrew, Rajamanickam, Sarada; Njoo, E.S. "The Chemistry and Biological Activity of Berberine and Related Analogs." manuscript in review, [Preprint PDF]